Can you believe it?? I hardly can and i'm actually living it! It's just so crazy to me to think that not even 2 years ago that i was posting these posts....
Only 7 weeks left...
Yesterday marked the 7 week mark of the day that my best friend in the whole wide world is coming back from his mission in Rome, Italy. He is having the time of his life and loves being a missionary so much, however i, along with his mother especially, am very excited to have him back.
The funny thing is that these past two years seem like they have just flown by, but whenever i think about everything that has happened and all the ways in which i have grown, it seems like he has been gone for forever.
It's crazy to me that it's so soon. I know that week will sneak up on me and i won't even know what hit me, but i can't wait!
Chris is so amazing and i don't know what i would do without him in my life!
I love you Chris and i'll see you in just a few short weeks!
6 Weeks!
Okay six weeks is seriously insane! i can't believe how fast time is flying. I'm excited that i get to see my best friend again...he really is loving missionary work so much which is exactly how it should be so i'm just so happy that i've been a very little part of this journey with him...
i don't think that in the 8 years we have been friends that we've gone even a day without talking to each other and to have him leave for two years has been really different. However, the more i think about it, all the things and all of the ways i have grown up in the past two years, i couldn't have done with him here i don't think. I have learned so much about myself and made decisions on my own that i know i wouldn't have if he had been here...
Now don't get me wrong, once a week one-ended conversations have been such a blessing and really helpful, but i know it's been just the right dosage...
I can't wait to have him home!!!
It's amazing that we ended up where we are now! He's the most amazing person i've ever met, and i don't deserve him....but as long as he married me, i guess it's hard for me to say that anymore! I love him, he's my everything, and i'm so excited for the next million weeks to come!!!